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WHY games?
We believe games make all learning fun from the most mundane to the most exciting subjects. But more importantly, research shows that children learn information quicker and retain information longer when learned in game play. And that’s powerful.
The benefits of using educational games

WHAT should you play?
The possibilities are endless.
Games of all kinds have the ability to teach if we look for the concepts they require.
Even those seemingly trivial games still have educational value. As long as we point it out and reinforce the concept, even the simplest games can require strategy, cooperation, or sportsmanship at the very least.
How to get started collecting games

WHO should play game and WHEN should you start?
Everyone. From 1 to 101 people of all ages can play games. Even babies can be brought to the table… at the end of the day, gaming is about more than winning or losing. It’s about family or classmates, about community, cooperation, learning, and so much more than just playing the game.

WHERE should and can you play games?
At home.
At school.
On vacation.
In the car.
In bed.
Waiting at Restaurants.